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About me.

My passion for birth and natural medicine sprouted when I was working as an anthropologist alongside the Ecuadorian midwives learning about diverse cultures and women's health. 

My enthusiasm for childbirth grew. I started off as a doula and later trained to be a licensed midwife in California. I am fluent in Spanish which allows me to provide quality services to the larger Latina community. I believe education is power and love to offer childbirth preparation classes to inform families so they feel empowered by the pregnancy and birthing process.

I completed my rigorous training  with various midwives in the Sacramento area, at the Napa Valley Birth Center, and Maternidad La Luz, on the border of El Paso, TX. I am a graduate of the National College of Midwifery program and am working as a Licensed Midwife, Massage Therapist & Birth Educator.

I am also the president of Uma Shungo Foundation and Midwifery Center in Quito, Ecuador. For more information, please see the website.

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