“The more you fascinate yourself with the natural physiology of birth, the harder it will be to fear birth.”

- Karen Welton

My Services


I am a certified midwife offering a unique and safe home birth experience that allows you to birth the way you desire. From conception to delivery, I will support you every step of the way.

Prenatal Care

During a prenatal visit, we discuss nutrition, your ideal birth plan, check vitals, and listen to the baby’s heartbeat. In the first trimester, I will see you monthly. When you are 28 weeks, we meet every two weeks, and when you are 36 weeks - I see you weekly until your baby is born. Once I am hired, I am available to you 24/7 for questions and concerns.

Childbirth Classes

I offer a four hour in-person childbirth education course that empowers pregnant families to learn more tools that prepare them for the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey. 

Prenatal Massage

As the body navigates the many changes during pregnancy it is important to receive a prenatal massage to remain comfortable. Prenatal massage can align the pelvis for birth, help the baby remain in an ideal position, aid with circulation, and reduce swelling. 

Postpartum Massage

This delicious massage is designed to help the body recover faster and show gratitude for what the body has done after birth. The “Closing of the Bones” ceremony is a common practice among ancient cultures to integrate the birthing process and close the body energetically and physically after birth. 

Hot Stone Therapeutic Massage

This massage is designed for everyone to relieve stress and tension from the body so the muscles, tendons, and ligaments can realign and the body can restore balance.

Well-Woman Care

Need a pap smear ? Interested in discussing family planning and fertility? Midwives make healthcare more accessible by offering holistic routine wellness exams. Depending on your needs, well body exams can include:

  • Pap test

  • Breast/chest exam

  • STI screening

  • Review of birth control options

  • Other lab work as needed

Doula Services

Maybe a home birth isn't for you? I offer doula services for those who feel more comfortable in the hospital or birth center setting. As a doula, I provide psychological wellness, emotional and physical support to the whole family during labor and delivery and accompany the family based on their needs. I can also facilitate communication with the staff to ensure that you have the information you need to make informed decisions regarding your baby’s birth. I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, yoga, positioning and other techniques for your comfort.

Placenta Encapsulation

Most mammals eat their placenta after birth. There are many benefits to consuming the placenta and many cultures claim the placenta to be considered medicine. The process involves dehydrating the placenta, grinding the placenta up into a powder, and then is encapsulated. The client will receive 1 placenta print, 1 tincture, and depending on the size of your placenta (140-190 capsules).  

“So many women can benefit from the education and guidance Jamie has to offer. My mindset and belief systems around birthing have changed drastically. If you want to be empowered with a kind and empathetic approach, I highly recommend Jamie.”


Questions ? Get in touch.